This page contains information and resources for Investigators who intend to use IIDS services as part of a proposal. Investigators should contact Core Directors as applicable to help plan and advise a cost estimate of proposed work. Core Directors are also willing to write letters of support and even participate as key personnel on the proposal when appropriate. For grant support, development, budgets, submissions and questions, please reach out to the IIDS Grant Services Manager, Mollyann Jones.
Proposal Submission Policy
IIDS provides complete project life cycle support for extramural grants and contracts that are submitted through the Institute. This support is provided by the IIDS administrative team, who serve as an efficient and knowledgeable central point of interaction between faculty and other administrative units on campus.
PIs may request permission to submit their proposal through IIDS by contacting Grants Services Manager Mollyann Jones at For proposals that are collaborative and/or have subawards or contracts, we ask that the request be made no later than 4 weeks prior to the sponsor’s deadline. For all other submissions, the request should be made at least 3 weeks prior to the sponsor’s deadline.
Your email should include the following information:
- The RFA (a PDF or link) for the program
- The submission deadline
- A list of the PIs and Co-PIs (including external collaborators)
- A brief summary (2 to 5 sentences) of the project
- A brief justification (2 to 5 sentences) explaining why submission through IIDS is appropriate.
IIDS Infrastructure Affiliation in VERAS
Indicating affiliation with IIDS is REQUIRED for sponsored research to access IIDS resources.
If your proposed research will use IIDS infrastructure or resources, you MUST check the appropriate box in the “Affiliation with University-Level Research Institute” section of VERAS. Checking this box will NOT CHANGE the amount of F&A returned from your grant to your College and Department.
By affiliating your proposal with the appropriate Institutes (yes, you can check more than one box) you help us ensure adequate funding for research equipment and facilities.
1. My proposal is associated with another Institute but relies on IIDS for some infrastructure. Can I check more than one box?
YES. You MUST indicate affiliation with all relevant Institutes at the time of submission.
2. I did not realize during submission that I would be using IIDS resources. After some time with an active grant, my research now requires some services from IIDS. Can I retroactively check the VERAS box?
NO. Reliance on IIDS resources can only be indicated during proposal submission. You cannot access any IIDS resources with an unaffiliated active grant unless you qualify for an exception to this policy.
Exceptions: In cases where the need for services can legitimately be classified as new or emergent (i.e. not identified in the proposal) you may request an exception through an email to the IIDS Director ( to access subsidized services.
3. I thought I only had to check the box if I was submitting the proposal through IIDS?
NO. Indicating Institute affiliation is INDEPENDENT of the submitting department. You MUST indicate affiliation with all relevant Institutes at the time of submission, regardless of which department is submitting the proposal.
4. I am only being made aware of this policy now, and my research proposal was submitted and awarded some time ago. Will my access to IIDS resources be terminated?
During the Fall semester of 2023, we will be analyzing active awards that use subsidized services. We will reach out to the PIs of unaffiliated awards that are being supported by IIDS resources and work with them on an individual basis.

Facility Descriptions for Proposals
IIDS Research Computing and Data Services | .docx | |
IIDS Genomics and Bioinformatics Resources Core | .docx | |
IIDS Administrative Core | .docx |
IIDS/IBEST Attribution
All papers, publications and press releases resulting from the use of the core facilities from 2/1/2013 to 1/31/2018 should include the following acknowledgement:
Research reported in this publication was supported by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P30 GM103324.
Past Attributions
All papers, publications and press releases resulting from the use of the IBEST core facilities from 2/1/2012 to 1/31/13 should include the following acknowledgement:
This project was supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences from the National Institutes of Health, P20 GM103397.
All papers, publications and press releases resulting from the use of the IBEST core facilities from 2/1/2008 to 1/31/12 should include the following acknowledgement:
This project was supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences from the National Institutes of Health, P20 RR016448.
BEACON Attribution
This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement No. DBI-0939454. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
If space if limited, you may simply use the following:
NSF Science and Technology Center on evolution in action, DBI-0939454.
IIDS Cover Initiative
IIDS wants to help you amplify your research impact!
We're aiming to help U of I researchers get featured on the covers of journals in which their work is published. If you have an upcoming publication related to IIDS activities (evolution, genomics, bioinformatics, data science, research computing, etc.) and you have a great idea for a potential journal cover, let us help you bring that idea to life. Read more.
If you are interested in the IIDS Cover Initiative, contact us at or 208-885-9076.
PI Portfolio
Have photos of your research taken and featured by IIDS. Just tell us you're interested, schedule a time with our photographer, and we'll do the rest. You'll end up with a collection of high-quality photos to help you tell your research story. These are a great resource for whenever you need to showcase your work, and IIDS will feature your photos on our channels as well. We love displaying the impressive things our PIs are accomplishing! Read more.
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